Ludovice Ensemble
Ludovice Ensemble is a Portuguese Early Music group focused on the research and performance of Baroque Chamber Music. It aims at a passionate and intense, but still stylistically accurate approach of varied repertoires, from French 17th century Ballet and Sacred Music, to German Sonatas and Italian Secular Cantatas. Their performances are inflamed by a Mediterranean-flavored sense of Drama and Rhetorical deliver, most appropriated to the Baroque cultural inheritance they revive. Created in 2004 by the harpsichord and organ player Miguel Jalôto and the traverso player Joana Amorim, the Ludovice Ensemble, besides its regular instrumental core (traverso, 1 or 2 violins, gamba or cello, harpsichord/organ) works regularly with guest extraordinary artists, like singers Orlanda Velez Isidro and Hugo Oliveira, and the French Baroque Dancer/Mime/Puppeteer Akiko Veaux. Ludovice Ensemble performed already in most of the major music festivals in Portugal, like "Festa da Música" - Lisbon (CCB), Mafra, Leiria, Alcobaça (Cistermusica), Loulé (Encontros de Música Antiga), Évora (Encontros do Espírito Santo), Baixo Alentejo (Terras sem Sombra), Viana do Castelo (Ciclo de Música Sacra) and many other concerts in cities like Lisbon (Calouste Gulbenkian Museum), Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia and Évora. The high scholar- and musicianship of Ludovice Ensemble performances is already recognized in Portuguese Musical Circle, and the group intends soon to present their work to a larger public, through CD recordings and concerts abroad. (adapted from text by Ludovice Ensemble)
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